In the Bedford Book of Genres’ chapter 15 about Assembling a Multigenre Project there is a piece about finding you’re rhetorical situation. I find this especially helpful now as we are just starting our last project where we are using different genres to promote or circulate through our chosen communities from our project two. This piece is broken up into four different sections or ideas. The first is about how you cause this to help further your purpose. It talks about the importance of unifying your genres although they will be different. It states “You can unify your pieces by building in relationships among them by choosing a sequence and package.” I like this because it is like a package, there may be different things in it but they should all have the same unified purpose. The second section talks about your audience and how you can use the different genres to reach a wider range of perspectives, therefore, broadening your audience. The third section hits on how to use the rhetorical appeal to your advantage. For example the book states how you can emphasize a different appeal in each genre or circulate them all around the same appeal, depending on your topic and audience. Finally, the last sections talks about the broad ranges of modes in which you can use to connect your audience to the message. This is helpful because It emphasizes how important it is that you stay on topic and rely your message appropriately while still doing it in many ways and utilizing different perspectives.